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Monday, February 14, 2011

All Things Valentine.

So I went a little crazy this Valentine's day.  I felt behind at Christmas, so Valentine's was my time to make up for it.  We sent out Valentine's instead of Christmas cards, and I actually mailed them on Friday.  I'm so proud of myself that I planned to do something and followed through, like this Valentine we gave to our friends.

Isn't it cute?  Try one on picasa and see how fun it is for yourself.

We're still on a sugar high from Aunt Sallie and Aunt Judy's Rice Krispie Valentine.

They made Cry Cry very happy.  Then I guess he put it down somewhere outside.  The next day he found it and finished it.  Probably ate a few ants too.

"Bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils."

Gifts to friends.

My grandmother Elsie's favorite candy we've had on the counter this month.  Makes me happy.

We brought these to a party.  One of my 25 days of cookies, this time with a Valentine's flair.

So pretty.

A little secret.  Valentine's used to make me a bit sad.  In my single days, I used to spend them hopeful that I had a secret admirer who would come out of the woodwork.  That never happened.

See this board.

This is the message board at the college I attended (It's empty here because I took this a couple summers ago).  On Valentine's day this board was filled to the brim with romantic cards and messages for girls with significant others.  I would pass it in such a way so that no one knew I was looking, hopeful that maybe this year would be the year it would happen for me.  Little did I know back then what God had in store for me years later.

A life FULL of boys.

And one in particular I'm quite fond of.


TJ Wilson said...

perhaps my fav post yet.

Teresa said...

A bouquet of sharpened pencils...I LOVE You've Got Mail! :)

And I got your card today in the mail. It was one of the highlights of my day!

In the way of Joy said...

So sweet!

Chandra said...

Love that you talked about the Moody board. Makes me smile. I think I need a Moody board at home. :)

Krista Sanders said...

All these pictures are wonderful!
We all love the You've Got Mail line. And we all love your admirer who did show up-- and snabbed a jewel!