Every year, the kids look forward to this night. They love getting out the Christmas stuff. So many of the ornaments have memories. Some were made by their G-Mommie who passed away in 2005. Some of them were gifts from friends. Some we have made ourselves as Christmas crafts. Our night is simple... we make a Christmas cookie, turn on some lively Christmas music, and put the ornaments on the tree as we stuff ourselves with sugar. No wonder the kids love it!
This year we made snicker doodles.
My little helper.
Our yarn ornaments we made last year.

This plate of cookies was quickly gone.
His best cheesy smile. By the way, his t-shirt has been passed through five boys. It's one of the classics :)
Daddy even pitched in.
The boys with their baby ornaments.
Look who woke up for some fun...
And hot chocolate, with lots of marshmallows.
This is how our kitchen counter normally looks. A bit cluttered and full of activity.
Somehow Daddy started a game of chubby bunny.
This is Nathan's non-fake smile.
Who doesn't love a good laugh?
I love this night. It's something I look forward to every year. It's lovely. It's full of life. And I know I'm living the days that I'll miss once the kids get a bit older. Each of the boys still loves this night. They get so excited. I love their innocence and how they love to do family things. It could be different. And someday, it will be different. But I will treasure each of these nights that my five boys are enjoying one another, that they feel safe and have fun together.
And here they are in all their usual chaos. I'm so blessed to be their mom :)
1 comment:
Your boys are always so proud of those ornaments!
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