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Monday, February 4, 2013

Five on the 5th {January}

Our friend (thanks, Josh) works at a car dealership and surprised the boys with a BIG bunch of balloons.  Our entire house smelled like latex.  Good thing we're not allergic ;)

Anyway, I had to snap a picture.  We took this picture right when we got home from church.  I didn't plan the color coordination, but we do have a green, red, and blue theme going on here.  Fun how that just worked out that way.

Hope everyone has a good Monday.  Mondays are big school days for us.  We work hard all day.  After a long weekend (we don't do school Fridays), it's always a bit of a shock to wake up and get going.  But after a cup of coffee, it feels a lot better.

What are your Mondays like?


Melissa said...

Mondays aren't always the same, but I love the return to "work" after the rest of the weekend. At least this weekend it was restful. House projects! Will share photos soon. Happy Monday, Sarah.

Amy Mak said...

Five Boys! Oh my goodness, I love the photos and I think you must be quite amazing. Very cute blog - love the colors. My Mondays are quieter than the weekend - last child in school half-day. I am in the middle of a transition and am trying to enjoy it :)