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Monday, November 7, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...

I have to say, I'm rather proud of myself.  This may be the first year since kids that I've gotten a little bit of a jump on Christmas.  Usually it's about December 15 when I start to panic.  Maybe it's because my baby just turned 3.  I've been getting good sleep for quite a long time now.  Maybe it's because my sweet husband took all five boys camping this last weekend and left me all by myself (lovely).  One of the things I did was this...

I've loved these collages ever since I saw them on Meg's blog.

Aren't they cute?

  To be honest, I didn't really spent a ton of time on mine, just pulled out photos from Christmas day the last three years.  Why only the last three years?  And why just Christmas day?  Well, the pictures on my computer only date back about three years, and I'm too lazy to go digging into the archives.  And I chose only pics from Christmas day because it helped me narrow it down.  Otherwise the options would be endless, and I might spend hours searching for images that are perfect.  If I love how they turn out, I may  print a collage for each all of our Christmases, which will involve scanning.  I'm guessing I may finish that project when I'm in the nursing home.

Anyway, I'm hoping to hang these from a garland or Christmas ribbon somewhere, maybe the mantle.  I think the kids will enjoy looking at them and discussing Christmases past.

Here they are:

More on Christmas plans for the Wolfe family later.  For now, it's off to bed I go.  This time change has got me tired.

1 comment:

Krista Sanders said...

These are TERRIFIC!! I just love them. Great idea about narrowing down the choices. Would definitely do that if I ever do this-- really want to!