Sarah homeschooling recipes family building our home

Friday, February 24, 2012

They Say it Better {Luther's home}

We've spent months and months looking at things like tile samples, window designs, and floor plans.
Sure, I hope to have a pretty home.  I'm also excited to have more space.

But I want it to be about so much more than that.
I enjoyed reading this article by Justin Taylor about hospitality and generosity in the home.
I hope you like it, too.


Niki said...

Beautiful lives. Your life is already characterized by generosity and hospitality. I look forward to experiencing the fruit of your labor, it will be a beautiful house and home : )

Amy said...

I'll read it! I love that white marble. For your kitchen? I went to a home with white marble counter tops and fell in love with them. She never had it treated or sealed, which was beautiful, but you couldn't let a drop of water touch the surface or it would leave an orange stain. I always wondered why she didn't have it sealed...

Sarah said...

Not exactly sure what goes where yet... these were just ideas thrown together to show ideas to text to Chris :) Fun to see you at Town Talk today.