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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spring Baseball

It's been a precious (can you use the word precious to describe baseball?  I think you can when they are 5 and 6) season.  I am treasuring up all of these moments of pee wee baseball and pondering them in my heart.  These boys, so serious about their baseball, but young enough that the dads step in when their shoe comes untied.  They love this game.  And their father couldn't be any more thrilled to have boys old enough to go in the backyard and play catch with.  Well, it's pretty fun for me too... I love seeing those boys and their daddy, out playing while I clean up dinner.  And I love me a game of catch once in awhile too.  Enjoy some photos of the season...

the pitcher, isn't he cute?

siblings cheering them on

our first baseman

where is his mother?  and why did she not tuck in his pocket?

on base
someone please tuck in his pocket.

shortstop (but no, he didn't make the catch)

baseball ready

favorite thing by far: batting

for him too

okay, and look how sweet samuel's ears stick out of his hat, could that be any cuter?

I just love this one.  notice the dirt on their pants from sliding.

and this one too!
daddies, their little boys, and the all-american sport.  love it.

We loved every second of watching you, Braves.
except for you two, keep your eyes on the game!


nikki said...

great season....loved spending it with you! good thing you guys moved back in time- the braves never would have made it as far as they did without samuel and asher!

Krista Sanders said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE these pictures!! You did GREAT-- look at their smiles and how long has it been since I have looked B. Anderson square in the face?? Who IS that? One of my favorite memories YET-- playing ball with you all. We have GOT to rig next spring's draft....somehow.....with honesty and integrity. Yes?