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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Waiting for Santa

I stood in the long line of parents waiting to see Santa.  Some were holding their first baby with their sweet "My First Christmas" outfit.  Some had come from watching a Christmas show at the local theater.  Many were dressed in their Christmas best.  Some, like us, were just out with their families on a Saturday in December.  The line didn't seem terribly long, but it was moving incredibly slow.  Like really slow.  I like a friendly Santa, but I was wishing he would move the kids along a bit so that we could get on with our day.  The older boys lost interest in about ten minutes and Chris took them to read books at Barnes and Noble.  But Nathan and Jopie were so excited to see Santa.  And these two, sure they're still little, but they may be over Santa by next year.  This may be the last time they want to do this.  So I stood in line with a slightly different perspective, soaking in these "lasts" with my boys.  We stood in line for over an hour, and I thought about how we had come to this exact spot right after Joseph was born.  At that time, it seemed my kids would be little for all of eternity.  Now, seven years later, it seems to be passing through my fingers.  Bittersweet is the best word to describe this passing of time.  One of my goals for the New Year, which I may eventually get to blogging about, is to embrace this season in my life… to not dwell too much on the past or do too much wondering about the future.  There are many things that robbed my joy during those little years, and I don't want to miss this season of life with my boys because life isn't the exact way I want it to be.  This is the life that God has so graciously given me.  Thankfulness should be bubbling up out of me, not self-pity, and some of the other things that often come out of my mouth.

Back to Santa.

  Nathan knew exactly what he wanted:  Chima Legos and a bow and arrow.  Joseph had an hour think about it and still couldn't decide by the time he got up there.  That's just Jopie, happy with whatever he gets.

I'm glad I waited in that long, boring line.  I'm glad to have these pictures of my boys being little, even if it is passing, I will choose to enjoy it to fullest.

This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I know I'm biased, but you have to admit that all of those pictures are pretty adorable ;)


Unknown said...

They are just too cute! I think the second picture captures them the best right now.

Molly said...

Oh they are so cute! I am right there with you momma! I have three girls. My oldest will turn 10 in June and I feel the same way. Time is moving fast and I need to embrace this crazy, fun, amazing time.

Niki said...

Yes they are! Looks like a nice Santa also. Most importantly, it is encouraging to hear your heart and be reminded to embrace this season just as it is.

Krista Sanders said...

I completely agree! Adorable. Your two littles are darling. And I like seeing them in these pictures together. Way to go for waiting in line! I like the one, especially, with Nathan talking. Enjoyed your thoughts on the new season. Would love a conversation soon-- like tomorrow?!? Yippeeee!!