Get ready to see way too many pictures of Nathan.
He's losing his babyness (I don't want to talk about it ;) but I do want to share these pics.
In a suit Samuel wore for a wedding yesterday. Okay, it only seems like yesterday but it was really 4 years ago. I bribed him to put it on and humor me for 10 minutes.
Samuel wearing the same suit.
Now I have to go and cry.
Inauguration 2013
Inauguration 2009
(Please ignore my outfit and hair in this picture. I'm making quite the fashion statement here, I know. It was a hard couple of months when Cry Cry was a baby. Please still be my friend).
His ice cream cart.
Helping me unpack. Yes, we're still unpacking. And he made it so much more fun as he responded with everything he opened like it was Christmas.
His signature camera smile.
Looking too big here, his hand in his pocket.
Thanks for putting up with that. But you have to admit, he's pretty darn cute.